
How It WorksAutomationPricing
Get Started For Free

Make your Notion content secure and profitable.

Host your courses, memberships, and digital products on your own Notion pages, lock them through Voltion. Scammers will be stopped, and you'll start earning.

Get Started For Free
No credit card required. 14-day free trial.

How Does It Work?

Start securing your Notion content in 2 easy steps.

This time you don't need any template.


Create Your Site

Just insert your Notion page URL and we'll take care of the rest. No need to duplicate templates or copy-paste content.


Make It Secure

Only selected users will be able to access your content, and we will block access to the rest of the world.

Run It On Autopilot

Tired of doing it manually? We've got you covered.

Voltion works even when you are sleeping.

Automation Settings

Connect Your Stripe, we will configure an automation to add users to your site when they buy your product. Do it once, and it will work forever.


Simple, transparent pricing.

We have the most competitive prices on the market.





  • 1 Site
  • 1 Page
  • Stripe Automation
  • Priority Support
Get Started For Free
No credit card required.
Most Popular





  • 3 Sites
  • 10 Pages / Site
  • Stripe Automation
  • Priority Support
Get Started For Free
No credit card required.





  • Unlimited Sites
  • Unlimited Pages / Site
  • Stripe Automation
  • Priority Support
Get Started For Free
No credit card required.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How does the free trial work?Expand

    When you sign up for a free trial, you’ll get access to all the features of the chosen plan for 14 days. We don’t require a credit card during the trial, so you can try Voltion without any commitment.

  • Can I cancel my subscription?Expand

    Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time. Once you cancel the subscription, you won’t be charged in the next billing cycle. You’ll continue to have access to the features of the chosen plan until the end of the billing cycle.

  • Can I switch plans?Expand

    Yes, you can switch plans at any time. When you upgrade or downgrade your plan, you’ll receive a pro-rated charge or refund, depending on the cost of the new plan.

  • How Voltion makes my Notion content secure?Expand

    Voltion gives you a proper URL to share your Notion content. This URL will be restricted by default, and the content will be accessible only to the people who have permission. The original Notion URL will be never displayed.

  • Can I request a refund?Expand

    Yes, you can request a refund within 30 days of the purchase. If you’re not satisfied with Voltion, contact us, and we’ll process the refund.